Saturday, January 14, 2012

What are Monetary Operations For?

How do we use distributed monetary operations to advance Public Purpose, sooner rather than later?

Briefly, organizations do what they must to survive. That includes inventing social species. The human social species survives by organizing scalable success faster than other species. Our moment of adaptation now floats among human cultures, as an unfolding success path tracking the combined pace & quality of distributed decision-making .

To optimize national returns, we generate as many distributed options as possible, then select from them as wisely & pace allows.  Success is continually minimizing constraints on decision quality. For currency, we do that in large part by separating two concepts - quantity and price of bookkeeping currency.  Across diverse decisions co-optimizing both local and group outcomes, it is price, and not access to bookkeeping, that should be the only burden on local degrees of freedom. Focusing on bookkeeping price vs quantity guarantees all people infinite pathways for contributing to group benefit. Limiting access to fiat currency simply limits the volume of numerals that students may utilize as they progress through math studies.   Once virtual bookkeeping is free, there is no public utility in limiting it's utilization.

In order to scale agility of large groups, currency supply should grow, on-demand, while available options should compete per ROI. That refinement is precisely what allows us to parse scaling options.  Evolving groups need the confidence to explore increasing options, yet still want to choose wisely.  Constraining the quantity of distributed bookkeeping is a useless distraction, whereas floating local pricing - NOT price stability - retains and focuses utility.  Stringing together organized chains of distributed decisions is EXACTLY how agile groups outpace more constrained groups.

Populations removed currency quantity as a constraining variable by transitioning to "fiat" currency standards, where currency supply follows than rather constrains the number of distributed transaction decisions that can be made.  Fiat currency, in it's most general definition, is not convertible upon demand to any particular commodity, only indirectly to public initiative.  Further, it's volume is allowed to float, as a function of public initiative.  Finally, it's exchanage rate with other currencies is also allowed to float (floating Fx). Together, these measures help remove currency supply as a constraint when optimizing the quality of distributed decision-making. Fiat currency is simply a virtual measure of unbounded public initiative. The currency-access side of distributed decision-making is never the place to impose market discipline, since it has become obsolete as a limiting variable.

Fiat currency, as only one of many tools we use, is created and distributed via public initiative (Appropriated by Congress, agent for the electorate), destroyed through taxation or return of fiat "profits" to our Treasury, the currency issuer (through it's agents, the IRS & Central Bank) yet primarily utilization in distributed transactions.  Other tools that we use are regulatory services that serve primarily to manage tolerance limits for all aspects of self-organization, from preparatory education standards to control of fraud rates.

Monetary operations involve fiscal, monetary, taxation and criminology fields - all serving public policy.   As only one of multiple tools, monetary operations are useful only when coordinated to optimize quality of distributed decision-making.

Developmental statistics, freak accidents & psycho-social variance will always prevent us from 100% utilization of our population at any time.  However, access to minimal local currency supplies as "revenue" is an obsolete concept once the transition to a virtul or fiat currency standard occurs.  There is no downside for the issuing group since currency supply follows net group initiative, and is not convertible upon demand to anything else. The upside includes more options to pursue full utilization of human capital as asynchronous group options occur.

The only reason for a group denying a member access to minimal "maintenance" amounts of fiat currency is lazy admission that "we can't come up with anything worthwhile for you to do."  None know the potential value of others, given 308 million people.  Rather, to explore unpredictable options, we either suggest things to be done, or follow individual's suggestions for novel things worth doing.   Since fiat currency supply is infinite, we need only practice selecting ROI from - not constraining - emerging, distributed initiative.

There are no better places to orient to modern monetary operations than the books by Mosler, "The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy" and Mitchell, "Full Employment Abandoned".

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